Archives for December 2009

BTBTYCB Lighten Up

Be The Best That You Can Be — Stage Three — Lighten Up

I’ve been working on this project for a little while and I feel it’s time to give it a little bit of an airing. For a few years I’ve used the phrase “helping you be the best that you can be” to describe my role, whether I’m coaching or facilitating leadership development. I thought it was time to figure out exactly what I meant when I said this. This led me to develop a five stage plan that I believe anyone can follow in order to be the best that they can be. A lofty goal I know, but it has been fun putting this together and I’d love to get some feedback.

The five stages of the plan are:

  1. Know yourself
  2. Have clear goals
  3. Lighten up
  4. Persevere
  5. Embrace paradox

This blog post will briefly outline stage three of the plan. Future posts will explore the last two stages.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Being the best that you can be is too important to be taken (too) seriously!

Allow me to explain. Most of the really successful people that I’ve met always seem to be laughing a lot. They’re having a good time, they’re fit and well both physically and mentally. I don’t think we can ever be the best that we can be if we’re sick, stressed, or in some other way, not at the top of our game. We need balance and laughter in our lives, these lead to health and well being, which are of course precursors to being the best that you can be.

Lightening up isn’t something to do alone. We need to have good relationships with people around us. When we take ourselves too seriously we lose perspective. We begin to believe that our concerns are the only ones that matter. We lose sight of the fact that our success is more often than not dependent on the success of others. And vice versa.

Happy Holidays, enjoy this seasonal break, don’t take yourself too seriously and make sure you find time to laugh with friends.
