Archives for April 2011

Don’t Read This If Your Team Is Stressed

Well, here you are reading this so your team (or perhaps more accurately you) are stressed. And I just know what you’re going to say … you have too much work and too little time. So if I suggest anything at all to you at this point, you might just rip my face off (you laugh but I just had that happen and not that long ago). But I will risk it anyway and suggest that at your next team meeting, you ask for 5 minutes and have everyone do the following:

  1. Write down all of the things that you can celebrate right now about your lives, your work and your team. And yes, do feel free to tweet, text or email each other if you simply can’t pull yourself away from your technology.
  2. Make a list of the things you are stressed about that you can control and ask yourselves for each one – 6 minutes from now will this be important, 6 hours from now, 6 days from now, 6 weeks from now, 6 years from now. I’d like to humbly suggest that you put all of the 6 minute, hour, and day things into perspective.
  3. Then, make a list of things you are stressed about that you can’t control and banish them from your heads. As someone once said (and I’m sorry I cannot remember who said it or where I read it), don’t let them live rent free in your head. It’s like giving someone you don’t trust the passwords to all of your accounts and that’s just plain crazy.
  4. TAKE A MINUTE, AN HOUR, OR BETTER YET A DAY OFF!!!! If your team is stressed, you have opened just one too many programs and your computer will crash (I know this because my husband watches me do this all the time and, yes, even that brand new super dooper computer will crash at some point if you just keep installing software on it.)
  5. Next, get reacquainted with the original passion and intent of the team. What is your team being called to do? How does that fit into the overall goals of your organization? How and where does your team need to prioritize its work?  How can you reignite how you all work together?
  6. Now that you’ve rebooted, take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the final bit of advice …

LOOK AFTER YOURSELVES!!!! Instead of winding yourselves up like the Ever Ready Battery Bunny, try to keep our teamwork tip of the week top of mind, or better yet the wallpaper on your iPhone.

Look After Yourselves

Jack of Hearts – Look After Yourselves

Our work lives can be challenging, and demanding. Make sure you take time for yourself on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Ensure that you are in touch with what really matters in life and strive to separate challenges and failures at work from your own personal sense of worth and efficacy. Take time for exercise, rest, leisure activities, family, friends, daily time-outs, and vacations.

How is your team doing?  How do you encourage each other to look after themselves?

Curious about the rest of the tips and want to know all about them now? Find out more.

Do you have the right skills?

A fascinating report by the BC Premier’s Technology Council outlines the new skills needed for our knowledge-based society. Among them, creativity, communications, teamwork, personal organization and self-regulation stand out as key skills that can have a profound impact on performance at individual, team and organizational levels.

We’ve been delivering workshops on creativity and innovation for many years now. It’s sometimes the most fun we have at work. We’re finding people are naturally attracted to creativity and innovation but our educational institutions and formal workplaces have somehow subdued a natural talent that is often just waiting to burst out. Check out Ken Robinson’s 2006 talk if you want to know more.

“Communications is the ability to relate concepts and ideas to others either in person, on the page or through technology” … so says the report. Unfortunately, I fear the PTC has fallen in to the trap of considering communication a one-way street. In our work we’ve found an ability to listen is often the most obvious communication skill that many need to develop. Communication needs to be about sharing ideas and building common understanding, not simply pitching your own thoughts effectively.

We’re so glad to see teamwork on the list. Most of us now work in sufficiently complicated jobs that no one person can achieve anything of real value without the mutual support of others. Once again I worry that our educational institutions are partially to blame for encouraging individual achievement over good team skills.

Adding EQ to the IQ is something we discuss a lot at Calliope. All of our clients are smart, but IQ alone does not guarantee success. Research has shown clearly that Emotional Intelligence (or EQ) has a profound impact on an individual’s capacity to be successful both at work and personally. The most popular framework for understanding EQ, developed by Dan Goleman, divides EQ into self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. We see clear overlap between the domains of self-awareness/self-management and the critical skills of personal organization and self-regulation.

You can get the full report from: for_education.pdf

We’d love to know what you think?

Dave Whittington, Calliope Learning, 2011

Wisdom of Crowds

Today’s Teamwork Explorer Tip is the Queen of Clubs (decision making) – Wisdom of Crowds. (Need to know more about our approach to teamwork?) See our Teamwork Explorer blog post.)

Wisdom of Crowds

Queen of Clubs – Wisdom of Crowds

One of the reasons we work in teams is to have input on an issue from various different perspectives. In Wisdom of Crowds, James Surowiecki, suggests that optimum solutions are found when all these diverse opinions are incorporated into the decision.

How do you ensure that you hear all voices on the team, even the unpopular ones? Obviously this is very much dependent on the nature of the team, and there’s no one right answer. However, my work with teams suggests that some of the best ways to elicit diverse opinions would include setting clear ground rules that encourage the non-judgmental sharing of ideas. You also have to ask the right questions. Sometimes team members can have valuable input, but fail to share it because they don’t think it’s been asked for, or that it will add value. “Does anyone have anything else to share (no matter how crazy it may sound) regarding this issue?” or something similar is a great question to ask before moving to decision making.

Of course, the next big challenge, once all the diverse opinions are shared, is to incorporate them into a decision. The Jelly Beans in the Jar example is very straightforward.  Fill a glass jar with jelly beans and ask people to guess how many there are.  Then calculate the mean of the answers. I’ve tested this with several groups and the mean is almost always the best answer in the room.

It gets more complex of course when the problem at hand is something more realistic that the team really needs to move forward on. An approach I find useful when opinions are so diverse (perhaps even contradictory) that they can’t be incorporated into a single solution, is scrap the idea that there is one best solution. Once teams start looking for multiple, good, potential solutions, rather than the one best solution, they can move forward with testing prototypes rather getting stuck in what is often called “analysis paralysis”.

Finally a word of caution. Not all decisions lend themselves to a Wisdom of Crowds approach. The decision about which decision making approach is the most appropriate, is of course, the most important decision!

Curious about the rest of the tips and want to know all about them now? Find out more!

Posted by Dave

Team Trust Buster #2

There’s nothing that breaks trust faster and contributes to organizational miscommunication, angst and lost productivity than triangulation, our Teamwork Explorer Tip this week. Not the map related kind or the research related kind but the all too common and human kind where you talk to your husband about how much your friend has hurt you or vice versa. Or the organizational kind where you tell everyone you know how much of an idiot your boss is but never have the courage to actually tell him to his face. Or the even more destructive kind that gets going on a group level contributing to silos in organizations.  Bad mouthing another department or unit in your organization to another unit or department might be human, a fun past time and a way to release your frustration, but it’s also really bad business.

On teams, triangulation is poisonous. You know it’s happening when there is more talk about the meeting AFTER the meeting in hushed voices in offices. There are two guilty parties in triangulation … the one telling and the one listening.  If you really want to improve trust and productivity on your team, you need to implement a no triangulation zone which means that a) you don’t talk about anyone else behind their back and b) if someone else is doing it, you challenge them to stop.

It might sound overly simple … but it’s amazingly difficult to live consistently. Having taught this concept for close to 15 years, you’d think I would have mastered it, but I am still working on it myself. What I have discovered about triangulation is that the more centered I am, the less likely I am to engage in triangulation because I am strong enough to see my own role in situations and not blame others.  When I get stressed or off balance and don’t create time to focus on the things I am doing well or the successes I have had, the more likely I am to blow off steam and avoid difficult conversations.

Queen of Diamonds (communication) – Triangulation. (Need to know more about our approach to teamwork?) See our Teamwork Explorer blog post.)


A common response to conflict on teams is to speak to others about the situation. This sets up an indirect communication pattern (often called triangulation), encourages people to not see their own roles in the problem, and leads to unresolved conflict in the team. The essence of any productive team building and effective organizational learning is de-triangulation.

Is your team guilty of triangulation? How can you encourage people to talk directly to each other?

Curious about the rest of the tips and want to know all about them now? Visit our store!

Why I Love Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Ok here’s my guilty little secret. I love Gail Vaz-Oxlade and all her various TV programs, books, blogs and tweets.  If you don’t know who she is, she is the Queen of Realty TV about debt and since I’ve gotten my Shaw PVR, I tape all of her programs and watch them obsessively.  While her ideas around debt and saving money are no nonsense and informative, that’s not why I watch her over and over.  I watch her and love her because she is the kind of creative no nonsense coach that I aspire to, and her insights about helping couples get back on track applies equally well to teams.

Gail is gifted in her ability to hold up a mirror and force people to face up to reality … her weekly challenges that get people out of denial, into perspective shifting and into action are creative and funny. Consider the one where she makes a couple carry around a backpack of 50 pounds for a week so they physically “get” how their debt is weighing them down.  Or has another couple remove all of the items in the house that don’t add value (because they wasted so much money on “stuff” that literally cluttered up their house) and while doing that limits the wife to only 30 sentences because she talks too much at her husband.

The show often starts with the couple being interviewed about their problems and challenges around money. What is most fascinating is often the couple knows what they are doing wrong, but just can’t quite get past the denial of it to make some changes. It takes Gail to help them see what their behavior is REALLY costing them.

This is so true of teams as well. I often interview individual members of a team before I actually do a team session with them. They all have a pretty good sense of what’s happening and even what they might need to do to make it better.  But they don’t know how to disrupt the routine of the team to put challenges/issues on the table.

So that’s my team tip of the week.  Use regular check-ins to take the temperature of the team and create alignment with your vision and goals. Once a month at a team meeting, do a round table on questions like “How are we living our vision/values?” “What are we doing well?” “What conversation do we need to have?” “What are we avoiding?”

It’s a whole lot easier to facilitate low risk type conversations and catch things early than wait until you hear Gail say something like “And if you keep this up, in 5 years you will be $650,000 in debt!”

3 of Hearts – Devote Time to Alignment (Need to know more about our approach to teamwork?) See our Teamwork Explorer blog post.)

Devote Time to Alignment

While devoting time to creating understanding among team members about your vision is important, regularly checking in with and creating alignment is even more important. Regularly check in with the vision through asking the following:

  1. What do you think we should start/stop doing on this team (project)?
  2. What are the three best and three worst examples of us living our vision?
  3. On a scale of 1-10 how are people doing, how is our stress level, how do we feel about the progress on the project, etc.?
  4. What is one thing we need to do to better align our actions with our vision?

What other tips do you have for keeping a team on track and raising issues?