The values/creativity conundrum

Yesterday I posed a values situation … well not entirely as it was also about creativity. I think we often fail to come up with creative solutions when we think values are at risk of being compromised. We also fail to come up with creative solutions because we are thinking in the “tyranny of the OR.” We need to embrace the “genius of the AND” (Collins and Porres), and bring forward our very best “integrative thinking” (Roger Martin).

So from that perspective, here is how to have everyone’s needs met!

(Oh and just to be fully transparent myself, I chose the little old lady as that seemed to align best with my values around compassion and service.)


Putting your values to a test

What would you do if you were driving your lovely 2 seater sports car on a very hot still day and while stopped in traffic noticed the following three people at a bus stop?

Your best friend. You often give her a lift in to work as she works at the hospital right next door to your office.

A little old lady who is clearly in trouble. She’s bent over and looks just about to keel over. She reminds you of your own Mum, who is also old and frail.

The love of your life —- hopefully. You have been in love with this person forever and things just never quite work out … perhaps this time … but no … what about your best friend and the little old lady in trouble?

What do you do? Answer with discussion tomorrow!
